Purebred Valais Blacknose Sheep for Sale
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Breeding Stock · Breeding Pairs · Rams · Bred Recipients · Embryos · Valais Fiber ·
Why Pure Valais?
A Lifetime of Shepherding KNOWLEDGE.
A Dedication to the SCIENCE of Sheep Reproduction & Genetics.
A History of INTEGRITY and Professionalism.
Knowledge, Science, and Integrity make us the “go to” for these amazing animals. Pure Valais is where these qualities come together to form the most comprehensive breeding program for the Valais Blacknose sheep in North America.
We have an an accumulated 100+ years of knowledge and experience in farming sheep. When you buy from us you aren’t just buying sheep but you’re buying a relationship based in knowledge, science, and integrity that is here to support you on your journey as owners of this special breed.
Each one of our partners cares deeply about preservation and a strong sense of stewardship. The Valais were first documented as far back as the 15th Century in the Valais region of Switzerland. To be involved in raising this incredible animal in the US is a real honor.

Why Valais Blacknose Sheep?
Besides being “The Cutest Sheep in The World” there is so much more to love and admire about these amazing animals. They are an incredibly handsome, beautiful, and noble sheep. They are extremely docile, yet hardy, and bode an award winning friendly disposition. They are a great animal to have on a small farm or estate to keep pastures groomed. There is no greater feeling than the sense of peacefulness seeing these gorgeous sheep in a field.
Now Taking Deposits Towards Pure Valais Semen & Recipient Ewes!
Pure Valais is in a unique position to offer both 100% Valais Blacknose semen, available for purchase as straws, as well as Recipient Ewes carrying Pure Valais embryos by way of embryo transfer. Use link below to learn more!
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